Health & Fitness

Sara Stover Sara Stover

How Running Found Jockey-Turned-Coffee Horticulturist, Jon Kunitake

“Growing up, I was a runt from a small town, but I knew there was a better life out there after high school, so I took a chance,” says Uncle Jonny Kunitake. It’s no surprise that Jon practices what he preaches. At 80 years old, the retired horse jockey is an avid runner… and he’s just getting started!

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Sara Stover Sara Stover


Daredevil. Lava chaser. Photographer. Host of television series Everything Hawaii. While all are accurate descriptions of Kawika Singson, the moniker he prefers is “creative adventurer” and you can read about some of his biggest adventures here!

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Sara Stover Sara Stover


From black waters to holes in clouds, Joshua Lambus’s epic experiences serve as proof that anything is possible if you commit. Read about his mission to learn as much as possible “about life, myself, the ocean, the land, the people and culture of this island, and the ways I can serve my community.”

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Sara Stover Sara Stover

What You Need to Know About Coconut Water

Since coconut water is marketed as an excellent source of electrolytes and is made from fruit, many runners assume that it is a healthier choice for replacing electrolytes depleted while training in the heat. As electrolyte sources, it’s true that coconut water and traditional sports drinks have a lot in common, but can their differences can make or break your next run? Read this to find out!

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Sara Stover Sara Stover

The ABCs of Kombucha Tea

“Stop by on Sunday to pick up the SCOBY and learn how to care for it.”  That was the text message I received from Aunty Jackie that began my relationship with kombucha tea and brewing the fermented drink. I was intrigued, but also a little concerned that I was being tricked into caring for a cartoon dog that rode around in a van with a gang of kids that solved mysteries. I was relieved to find that I was in fact caring for a slimy disc floating in a honey-colored liquid contained in a jar. How hard could this be? Keep reading to find out!

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Sara Stover Sara Stover

How to Fuel Before and After a Workout for Optimal gains

Have you ever counted your morning coffee as your pre-workout fuel? Or called a candy bar your post-training meal? If you're wondering exactly what you should be consuming before and after your workout for optimal performance gains, check out this week's blog to read more! ⠀

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Sara Stover Sara Stover

Western States Stand-Out Matt Daniels

On Saturday, June 29th, professional ultra runner and Nike elite trail athlete Matt Daniels crossed the finish line of the legendary Western States 100-Mile Endurance Run in fourth place! Not bad for a guy who started 2019 by incurring a concussion in the middle of the Bandera 100k in Texas, forcing him to drop out of his first 100k attempt in January.

In fact, it’s not bad for a guy who never ran more than 34 miles before February of this year! He may not have ever gotten that belt buckle for the Bandera 100k, but six months later, Matt has a Western States 100 belt buckle, so you could say everything more than worked out for this Texas native!

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Sara Stover Sara Stover

Hydration Tips For Endurance Athletes

If you’re training or running in the heat, staying hydrated is imperative. But with so many sports drinks on the market, you may be wondering which one you should choose to replace the electrolytes lost when you sweat? And do you really need that electrolyte replacement beverage anyway? Let’s look at why hydration matters, and the Do’s and Dont’s of replacing lost electrolytes.

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Sara Stover Sara Stover

The Environment and a Person’s Health

What does the environment have to do with a person’s hormones? A lot more than someone may suspect! The environment has an unprecedented impact on a person’s health and can influence hormonal functions in the body. By being mindful of what you consume, and reducing your exposure to plastics and pesticides, you can achieve balanced hormone levels and optimize your health.

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Sara Stover Sara Stover

Magnesium and a Person’s Health

Magnesium is a mineral that supports the healthy chemical reaction of hundreds of enzymes within the body, including the metabolism of food and the synthesis of proteins and fatty acids. The mineral is essential for the structural development and ongoing health of bones, and the transmission of nerve impulses. Are you getting enough of it in your diet? Find out!

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Sara Stover Sara Stover

Vitamin D and Its Benefits

To maintain health, adults need 600 international units (IU) of vitamin D daily, while seniors (anyone over age 70) need 800 IU. Shorter days and more time spent indoors during the colder, darker months of fall and winter, combined with poor eating habits, can lead to vitamin D deficiency. Here’s how to prevent it!

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