Restoring Hawaiʻi’s Coral Reefs: Seizing corals of opportunity

Climate change, land-based pollutants, and overfishing continue to threaten the koʻa (coral) reefs of Kahuwai Bay on the Kona Coast, the marine life they support, and ancestral lifeways. Despite these challenges, the community-based restoration efforts of Kaʻūpūlehu Marine Life Advisory Committee (KMLAC) can improve the health and resilience of our reefs … and people.

Read my latest article in Savvy360 Hawai'i Island to learn more about preserving the koʻa through outplanting. (, pp. 44-49)


The Resurfacing of Eduardo Bolioli, Hawaiʻi’s Renowned Surf Artist


The Ala Kahakai National Historic Trail: Connecting the present to the past and future